HD HYUNDAI SAMHO is building a dream, with first-class shipbuilding and marine products that meet the needs of the 21st century.


Order by Vessel Type/ Delivery Status by Vessel Type As of December 31, 2023

Order by Vessel Type/ Delivery Status by Vessel Type - TYPE, Order(Number of Vessels, DWT, GT), Delivery(Number of Vessels, DWT, GT)
TYPE Order Delivery
Number of Vessels DWT GT Number of Vessels DWT GT
LNGC 9 786,176 996,400 8 741,515 1,062,600
CNTR 19 2,536,300 2,184,100 6 901,902 904,788
LPGC 4 212,800 176,000 10 535,593 440,000
T/K 6 946,772 501,634 4 631,361 334,040
VLCC 0 0 0 3 897,474 462,000
P/C 0 0 0 0 0 0
PCTC 0 0 0 0 0 0
B/C 0 0 0 2 359,200 195,090
VLAC 4 217,440 176,000 0 0 0
Total 42 4,699,488 4,034,134 33 4,067,045 3,398,518