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Press Releases

HSHI and KR develop an automatic evaluation program

  • Author 관리자
  • Creation Date 2023-01-05
  • View 2,125
HSHI and KR develop an automatic evaluation program

- Expected to reduce quality failure costs by optimizing docking blocks and automating hull strength calculations


Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries(CEO Shin Hyeondae, President) has developed an ‘automatic evaluation program for reaction force of docking blocks/hull strength’ for efficient ship construction as a joint development project with Korean Register(KR).


Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries held a briefing session on the completion of the project of the reaction force of docking blocks/hull strength assessment program in the design department seminar room on the 8th floor of its main building on the December 15th last year.


Developed in collaboration with Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Hull Production engineering & Design Department and Korean Register(KR), the reaction force of docking blocks/hull strength assessment program automatically verifies the integrity of the hull strength.


Through this program, it is expected that the man hours of design and production can be reduced by the automation of optimized reaction force/strength calculation, reducing the occurrence of defective hull damage due to excessive reaction force in the dock.


An official from Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries said "It is expected to reduce quality failure costs and give us more momentum to comply with ship delivery dates by further increasing the speed of ship building through high-efficiency and high-quality design." (The end)


Photo Description

Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries held a briefing session on the completion of a joint development project for counter reaction force/hull strength evaluation program in the design department seminar room on the 8th floor of the main building on the December 15th last year, attended by about 20 officials, including Ryu Young-ung executive director of hull design and Park Ho-kyun head of the KR ICT solution team.